Flinbo is a game-making platform that lets you create your own games, based on your own actions. The best part? It's easy! Here's how it works:

  1. You sign up and get verified by our team, who will make sure you're a real person and you fill the requirements. You will find you need to do a double verification process.

  2. Once you're verified, you can start creating games! Choose the category of game you want to make—for example, "teacher" or "doctor"—and then select an action from the list (say, "kiss").

When you're ready to record, click "record," put your phone in front of you and hit play when it's time for action! Keep going until you've completed the number of actions needed for your game (which might be more than one).

  1. When your game is ready to publish, select which actions users can see for free (you can pick three) and which ones they'll need to pay for access when they play the game.

  2. Choose an attractive cover for your game (you can do this at the beginning), and publish it!

  3. Run and tell your subscribers about buying your game and start earningmoney!